
{Shabby} Chic

So I have happy news......I'm going to Australia!!!!!!! I'm leaving in December and will be there for a few weeks. I'm going with my best friend Amy and we are so stoked. We are going just for kicks and giggles and while we are there we are going to a Young Sinlge Adult Convention thingy for 4 days...which is totally going to rock by the way...I mean hello spending time with Aussie's all day yeah life's good. I do need your help though...we are going to be there on New Years Eve...I know right....anyway at the Young Single Adult convention they are having a New Years Ball so I need a pretty party dress so keep your eye for me please, I'm kinda picky about my style, I want something different and yeah just me, If that makes any sense. I love Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters and just little boutiques that are just different ya know. Anyway send me suggestions:)

1 comment:

The Cragun's said...

WOW how fun, I'm totally jealous :) That will be so fun!!!