
{Loritab}...A gift from God

So I know you can all hardly contain yourself, you have just been wanting to know how my wisdom teeth experience was! So here you go and you're welcome:) Okay so I figured I needed to get them out soon and since I'm going on a mission I knew they were going to have to come sooner than expected. I've been terrified due to the horror stories of dear Emily and Melinda:) So the time came for my dental checkup for the mission papers. My bishop is a dentist and so he was awesome and fit me right in. He told me that they needed to come out and that he would be able to do that for me. Okay that's good and bad, but anyway! I know that I have to be put asleep, there is no way that I'm going to be up for any of that..I begged him to give me something that would just knock me out the night before....there were threats of videos being posted on youtube....so the day finally came! Oh my I was so tense sitting in that dentists chair knowing I would probably never remember this day in time! So they gave me some laughing gas which is amazing!!!!!!! I slowly started to know everything is going to be alright in the world......Alrighty cut to Wednesday...told you I don't recollect a darn thing that happened that day....until the call and text from my bishop...I HIT HIM hard and a lot during the surgery. They had to strap me down can you believe it? I also have this feeling that as I was leaving the office I said Thank You a lot to everyone...but I'm not sure. So the next few days weren't too bad, thanks to Loritab I mean who needs a spa when Loritab can relax you. I totally see how people get addicted but I won't get into that....I'm drug free.....so all is well and I will never have to go through that ever again....until childbirth....I don't know how you come back from that...okay focus....

P.S. Happy news my mission papers are going back in around September....woot woot....
P.P.S. I will be starting my fashion adventure on Monday so don't be a hater when I post pics of me that I took cuz that's a pet peeve but I promise I won't be in slutty clothes in my bathroom mirror and then uploading them on facebook in an album named "ME"

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